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Browsing Climbs

Viewing Climbs at Your Gym​

To browse climbs in Crux, tap the "Climbs" button on the main gym page. This opens the climb directory, where you can scroll through all active climbs at your gym.

By default, climbs are sorted by date, with the most recently set climbs appearing first.

Searching by Name or Setter​

To search for a climb:

  1. Use the search bar at the top of the climb directory.
  2. Enter a climb name or setter name.
  3. The directory will automatically filter to show only matching results.

A climb matches if either the climb name OR setter name contains your search term.

Using the Sort & Filter Menu​

To refine your search, use the sort and filter menu:

  • Tap the "Filter" button next to the search bar.
  • Choose your desired sort and filter options.
  • Tap "Search" to apply your selections.
The climb sort and filter menu for the Crux Climbing App

Sorting Options​

You can sort climbs by:

  • Area – Groups climbs by gym area (only for gyms with areas).
  • Set Date – Shows the most recent climbs first.
  • Grade – Lists climbs from easiest to hardest.
  • Rating – Displays the highest-rated climbs first.
  • Sends – Shows the most frequently sent climbs first.

Filtering Options​

You can filter climbs by:

  • Sent Status – Show only climbs you've sent, haven't sent, or both.
  • Active Status – Show only active (current) climbs, inactive (unset) climbs, or both.
  • Beta Videos – Show only climbs with attached beta videos.
  • Area – Filter by gym area (if enabled).
  • Grade – Select specific grades or a grade range.
  • Tags – Filter climbs by specific tags (e.g., "Slopey", "Dynamic").

Saving Your Filter Settings​

If you frequently use the same filters, you can save them as your default:

  1. Open the sort & filter menu.
  2. Adjust your preferred settings.
  3. Tap "Set as default" (top-right of the filter menu).

Your settings will automatically apply the next time you visit the climb directory.

Swiping Between Climbs​

On an individual climb page, you can swipe left or right to quickly navigate between climbs.

πŸ“Œ Note: This works only on the climb page, not in the climb directory.