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Profile, Stats, and Climb Sessions

As you use Crux, your profile becomes a hub for tracking your climbing progress, stats, and session history.

To access your profile, tap the profile icon in the bottom right of the screen.

Privacy Settings​

By default, your climber profile is public, meaning other users can see your stats and activity.

To hide your profile:

  1. Tap the settings button (top-right of your profile page).
  2. Select "Privacy settings."
  3. Toggle your profile to hidden or visible.

Stats Tab​

The Stats tab provides visual insights into your climbing progress with three main graphs:

  • All-Time Sent Climbs – Displays the number of climbs you've sent per grade and your flash vs. non-flash ratio.
  • Climbing Styles – Shows the styles of climbs you tend to send, helping you understand your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Monthly Trends by Grade – Tracks how many climbs of each grade you've sent this month vs. last month, helping you measure progress.
Stats and graphs on a user's profile page on the Crux Climbing App

Sessions Tab​

The Sessions tab allows you to explore individual climbing sessions and track your monthly trends on a calendar.

Climbing Calendar​

  • Each colored square represents a climbing session.
  • The color represents the highest grade you sent in that session.
  • Tap a date to view the session details.
The sessions calendar on the Crux Climbing App

Session Details​

When you open a session, you'll see:

  • Climbs you sent that day.
  • Climbs you attempted that day.
  • Private session notes (if recorded).

You can log session notes at any time:

  1. Open a session.
  2. Tap "+" beside "My Private Notes".
  3. Add your notes.
The session view on the Crux Climbing App showing private notes, sent climbs, and attempted climbs.

Set Climbs Tab​

The Set Climbs tab provides an overview of all the climbs you've created while using Crux.

The Gallery tab displays all the photos and videos you've uploaded to Crux.

  • Items with a white lock icon πŸ”’ are private and can only be seen by you.
  • Private items include media uploaded to private comments.