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Gym Settings and Staff Members


Gym settings are only accessible to gym admins listed in the Staff Members section of the settings.

To access your gym settings:

  1. Open your gym page.
  2. Tap the cog button in the top-right corner.
  3. From here, you can manage gym settings and staff members.
The gym settings button for a gym on the Crux Climbing App

Gym Info​

The Gym Info section allows you to customize how your gym appears in the app. You can edit:

  • Gym name
  • Location
  • Description
  • Public email (for climbers to contact you)

Staff Members​

The Staff Members section lets you add or remove staff members from your gym.

Staff Permissions:​

  • All staff members have access to moderation tools.
  • If official climbs are enabled, staff can set official climbs.
  • Only staff with "Admin" permissions can access gym settings.
The staff-members section of a gym on the Crux Climbing App.

Unsetting Custom Climbs​

The "Unset Custom Climbs" section is covered in more detail in the Unsetting Custom Climbs guide.